Halloween Comes to Life: BruinLife’s Illustration Team Presents Spooky Gallery

by BruinLife

Halloween, a festival steeped in history and lore, is celebrated with enthusiasm and anticipation by people of all ages. As the season of spooks and spectacles arrives, BruinLife’s illustration team has curated a special gallery, showcasing a collection of captivating illustrations that encapsulate the essence of this bewitching holiday. Through their artistic lens, they capture the eerie atmospheres, haunting figures, and whimsical characters that have come to symbolize Halloween’s timeless charm.

Trick or treat? Treat!. Illustration by Yuka Nakayama
Trick or treat? Treat!. Illustration by Yuka Nakayama/BruinLife.
The witch’s eye. Illustration by Eric Yang/BruinLife.
The witch’s eye. Illustration by Eric Yang/BruinLife.
Ghosting. Illustration by Kimberly Suratos/BruinLife.
Ghosting. Illustration by Kimberly Suratos/BruinLife.
Cat-o-lantern. Illustration by Alexis Raquino/BruinLife.
Cat-o-lantern. Illustration by Alexis Raquino/BruinLife.

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