Grading every building in North Campus

by Cindy Zhang

Do you have a class in a North Campus building you’ve never been in? Are you looking to explore UCLA? Do you need a midday spot to hang out with your friends? BruinLife has you covered! We’ll be grading North Campus buildings on a 1-10 scale in three categories, for a total score out of 30:

  • Exterior appearance: We’re judging a book by its cover here. How pretty is this building from the outside? Does it call you to come inside, or does it send shivers down your spine?
  • Interior appearance: We’re still judging a book by its cover, only now it’s the inside cover. Is this building a windowless nightmare with no natural light to be found anywhere? Does the interior make you feel brilliant, motivated and inspired? Or do you walk in and think, “Wow, this is definitely a building?”
  • Bathrooms: How nice are the bathrooms? Do you happily do your business here, or begrudgingly settle down? And most importantly, are there toilet seat covers?

The Building Grades:

1. Anderson Business School: 27/30 (90%)

So, we’re not exactly sure whether or not Anderson counts as North Campus. Regardless, we’re including it here because we have to rave about that bathroom. Anderson looks grand from the outside and feels like a five-star hotel on the inside. And again, that bathroom!

  • Exterior appearance: 8/10
  • Interior appearance: 9/10
  • Bathrooms: 10/10

2. Dodd Hall: 22/30 (73%)

Again, debatable as to whether or not this one counts as North Campus. Either way, Dodd Hall looks absolutely grandiose from the outside, and the large wood lecture hall doors on the inside are quite impressive-looking. The bathrooms could use some work, though one plus is that there are plenty of stalls so you don’t have to wait for too long. There are no toilet seat covers.

  • Exterior appearance: 10/10
  • Interior appearance: 7/10
  • Bathrooms: 5/10

3. Rolfe Hall: 21/30 (70%)

From the outside, Rolfe Hall is completely unassuming and inoffensive. However, inside Rolfe has a special charm to it, with its exposed red brick walls. The classrooms feel like high school classrooms but in a charming way. Rolfe is also bursting with natural light and feels like a warm and inviting space. The bathrooms are quite nice too.

  • Exterior appearance: 5/10
  • Interior appearance: 8/10
  • Bathrooms: 8/10

4. Melnitz Hall: 17/30 (57%)

Hidden away in the farthest corner of North Campus, Melnitz Hall houses soundstages, an animation room and James Bridges Theater. The exterior of Melnitz is more understated than buildings like Dodd, but the glass windows give a view of the multitude of film posters on the wall. The interior’s plain white walls and dated aesthetic do leave a bit to be desired, however. The bathrooms are not offensive but definitely can’t compare to Anderson’s (to be fair, who can?).

  • Exterior appearance: 7/10
  • Interior appearance: 4/10
  • Bathrooms: 6/10

5. Broad Art Center: 13/30 (43%)

Broad Art Center’s exterior doesn’t exactly scream “art building,” as it has adopted more of an industrial aesthetic. The building’s exterior is slightly elevated by the fact that there are often dogs playing around in the patch of grass outside. Many interesting things are going on in the Broad Art Center, like the photography lab, but the layout of this building can be a bit confusing. Some bathrooms in the Broad Art Center are located at the end of stairwells, which gives a slightly terrifying edge to your bathroom experience. If you’re into that, consider doing your business here.

  • Exterior appearance: 3/10
  • Interior appearance: 5/10
  • Bathrooms: 5/10

6. Public Affairs Building: 13/30 (43%)

The Public Affairs Building straightforwardly states what it is: a public affairs building. However, this kind of straightforwardness can certainly be appreciated. The exterior of the Public Affairs Building is nothing too special, and the interior, as well as the bathrooms, aren’t incredibly remarkable either. It’s just… the Public Affairs Building. Nothing more, nothing less.

  • Exterior appearance: 4/10
  • Interior appearance: 4/10
  • Bathrooms: 5/10

7. Bunche Hall: 9/30 (30%)

Bunche Hall is a building you can’t miss, no matter how hard you try. As it can best be described as a large, elevated block, Bunche Hall has an interesting history that many students learn about during their new student orientation. Bunche has a nice little “courtyard” in its center, but the building overall is very dark and very much resembles an apartment complex. The bathrooms aren’t the best, and there are no toilet seat covers.

  • Exterior appearance: 3/10
  • Interior appearance: 4/10
  • Bathrooms: 2/10

8. Macgowan Hall: 9/30 (30%)

Probably the most unassuming building on North Campus, Macgowan Hall’s dark, near prison-like exterior design is not exactly inviting, though its proximity to the sculpture garden saves it slightly. Macgowan’s interior is quite interesting, however, with its attached theater. The bathrooms in Macgowan are quite disappointing. If you need the restroom, skip past Macgowan and head to the Broad Art Center or Melnitz Hall instead.

  • Exterior appearance: 2/10
  • Interior appearance: 5/10
  • Bathrooms: 2/10

Featured Image: Bright squares of light shine on the side of the Meyer and Renee Luskin School of Public Affairs building that faces the Franklin D. Murphy Sculpture Garden. The architecture of the building includes slit-like blinders that filtered the light entering the building’s windows. Photographed by Patrick Shao/BruinLife.

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