Tucked away at the Fairplex in Pomona, the yearly Los Angeles County Fair draws in thousands of guests and customers to the fairgrounds. Crowds find themselves greeted by stalls adorned with red, white and blue decals, emphasizing the American-esque atmosphere that fairs produce. Taking place during May, fairgoers can stroll over to pet farm animals, try their luck at some “skill-based” games, find their way around the maze of small vendors, ride many rides like the Ferris wheel and enjoy some well-known fair foods. Ever had a deep-fried Twinkie? How about trying a go at a giant hot Cheetos corndog? From deep-fried Oreos and giant turkey legs to agua frescas and slushies, you can find all types of fun items to eat and drink at the LA County Fair!

A large "Welcome to the LA County Fair" greets fairgoers. This sign was one of many welcome signs present throughout the fairgrounds. Photographed by Caleb Velasquez/BruinLife.

A food stall advertising funnel cakes, churros and lemonade tends to a line of visitors in need of a quick snack or refreshment from the heat. Photographed by Caleb Velasquez/BruinLife.

Stalls of sweet treats and other fair foods line the walkways as visitors walk by. Photographed by Caleb Velasquez/BruinLife.

Giant turkey legs being grilled for consumers fill the air with a smoky scent. Photographed by Caleb Velasquez/BruinLife.

Fresh deep-fried oreos covered with chocolate syrup, powdered sugar and sprinkles. Photographed by Caleb Velasquez/BruinLife.

Fried zucchini and giant corndogs covered in nacho cheese and hot cheeto crumbs. Photographed by Caleb Velasquez/BruinLife.
There is a steady stream of people exploring the fairgrounds with something to see at every corner you turn. In one section you can watch the piggy races, and in the next you can be confronted with the choice: wait in line to buy food or try your luck at a carnival game. Giant foods and giant prizes entice people to indulge in the fair atmosphere.

Giant cow stuffed animals hang from the game tents, inviting people to try and win them as prizes. Photographed by Caleb Velasquez/BruinLife.

Several "Bank a Ball" game baskets lean against the wall of a game tent. The carnival game had the simple rules of just banking a ball into a bucket to win, with the baskets holding signs that said "one in wins." Photographed by Caleb Velasquez/BruinLife.
As the sun sets, a new scene lights up the night. The flashing neon lights entice people to play the carnival games even more and draw huge lines just to get onto one of the rides. Both come at the cost of tickets which can be purchased on the fairgrounds, or even a fast pass that allows customers to ride all the rides without having to use up additional tickets.

On one of the fair rides, people sit suspended up in the air on swings that rotate high up above the rest of the fair. Photographed by Caleb Velasquez/BruinLife.

Visitors line up for a chance to ride the Ferris wheel and catch a glimpse of the fading sunset over the fairgrounds. Photographed by Caleb Velasquez/BruinLife.

Fairgoers try their luck at one of the many carnival games offering up fun prizes for those to try and win. Photographed by Caleb Velasquez/BruinLife.

An aerial view of the fairgrounds atop one of the Ferris wheels that fairgoers can purchase tickets to ride on. Photographed by Caleb Velasquez/BruinLife.
After having their fair share of funnel cakes and running out of tickets, patrons can wind down at one of the small stages set up. Musicians and others alike perform for the guests with musical numbers or fun crowd acts. These are fun ways to relax a bit after walking around in circles throughout the various stalls and attractions.
Stomachs full and tickets all spent, visitors make the trek back to their cars. The LA County Fair gives that “All-American” feel while also offering a unique taste of Los Angeles. Bringing together various vendors that sell Hispanic goods to Nigerian cuisine, the melting pot that is Los Angeles is somewhat reflected at the fair. Just be prepared to spend some money, as the costs of attending the fair for a fun experience do add up from the games and rides to food and drinks. Being associated with Los Angeles, some people may expect grandeur and eliteness, but in reality, the LA County Fair is a humble and wholesome family event. Overall, it is a fun place that people can look forward to and have as an escape from the bustling life of Los Angeles, to enjoy the little things that American fairs have to offer.