Did you know you just missed your opportunity to get a little too buzzed off the best salt-rimmed drink in the world and blame it on National Margarita Day? Fortunately, I saw a TikTok about the holiday the morning of, hustled to Whole Foods to buy some tequila, and organized a margarita night at my place for that evening.
With the stress of midterms behind us and a relaxing weekend ahead, my friends and I made frozen margaritas and tacos to celebrate because an on-theme evening was exactly what we needed.
Because we decided to celebrate National Margarita Day, an ordinary Thursday became a holiday! At the end of the night, we decided we wanted to find other random holidays to celebrate so more normal days could become fun ones to look forward to. Here are some of my favorite March holidays so that you can do the same:
March 5th — Cinco de Marcho
No May? No problem! If margaritas sound great to you, your opportunity to do a margarita night just like ours is right around the corner! All you need is chips, guac and the ingredients for margaritas: tequila blanco, triple sec, fresh squeezed lime juice, simple or agave syrup and ice. If you have a blender, you can make them frozen, which I think is more fun. Gather some friends and enjoy!
March 14th — Pi Day
Pi Day is a known classic to anyone who had fun math teachers in elementary school. While my fourth grade math teacher brought in whoopie pies for the class to celebrate, I can’t say I’ve done much to celebrate since. Now that the holiday is on my radar again, I can prepare. As someone who exclusively likes chocolate and banana cream pie, which are unpopular and hard to find flavors, I’ll be using Pi Day as an opportunity to learn how to make them for myself. I suggest getting a group of friends together and learning how to make your favorite type of pie! Baking is always more fun with a group of people and eating the pies at the end of the night will be extremely rewarding.
March 30th – Take a Walk in the Park Day
The last holiday on my list is Take a Walk in the Park Day. This one falls on the Saturday before the start of spring quarter, around the same time when the weather in Los Angeles is typically really nice. I suggest grabbing a buddy, your walking shoes, a blanket and a picnic basket and heading to one of Los Angeles’s beautiful parks. This is a super relaxing way to spend a Saturday before the start of a new quarter. I’ll definitely be stopping for an iced coffee beforehand and turning my stroll into a coffee walk.
Hope you enjoy celebrating these holidays and that they will help you make the most out of your March!
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