Dorm decor is unmistakably the most significant addition to a room that makes it yours and gives it a voice. Here are some examples of the way dorms can be customized to reflect one’s interests and to add warmth to a living space.

Lauren Wall, a second-year student majoring in neuroscience, says that Legos add to the cozy feel of her room and help make it stand out. This particular piece, Starry Night by artist Vincent Van Gogh, was a famous painting that when assembled in three dimensions has a whole new meaning.

Wall's room features a number of other Lego creations as well. "I think of the Legos in my room as pieces of myself scattered about. Each set holds a special significance of the time, place and people I was with when I built it and reflects my interests well," Wall said.

Nicole Wasserman, a second-year student majoring in communications living on the Hill, has numerous posters adorning her walls. "I included posters of things that I love like my favorite artists and places, and also brought a lot of art projects I made with my long-distance partner," said Wasserman.

Wasserman's desk features a Lego Wall-E model that noticeably stands out from her desk decor due to its color and size. The vine lights wrapping around her desk add a softness to the frame and highlight the objects kept on the shelves.

Her room stands out with her layout of posters that feature soft colors and abstract art. "I wanted to make a cozy space that could feel like home, so I used a lot of calming colors, stuffed animals and soft lights," Wasserman said.

Charlotte Moore, a second-year student majoring in biophysics, uses bright colors to customize her place.“I wanted to curate a vibrant environment for my living space because bright colors make me happy,” Moore said. The earrings hanging off the wall give a unique presence to the dorm and add a functional feature, she explained.

The range and vibrancy of colors above the desk are highlighted by the various posters, pictures and pots which add a significant warmth to Moore's dorm that is unmistakably unique to her.