Lesser common dorm essentials

by Grace Fontes

For those living in the dorms this upcoming year, I am sure that many of you have likely begun to wonder what to bring or purchase in order to make the most of your time in any of the residential buildings. Though there are a multitude of lists floating around on the internet, there are also a handful of items that I discovered needing throughout the year, which definitely made my years in the dorms much more comfortable. Here is a comprehensive and categorized list of my more uncommon and lesser known dorm essentials, based on my online purchases from the last two years.

School and Work Related Supplies

Scissors and tape: These two supplies ended up being used substantially more than I’d expected. From cutting into boxes and cutting off tags, to late night finals week haircuts and last minute wardrobe alterations, my trusty pair of purple scissors was constantly used by myself and my roommates alike. Tape was also useful to have on hand in case of last minute tears or for hanging up birthday and holiday decorations.

Notebooks: After becoming so reliant on my laptop or other technology in the classroom, I was shocked when, on the first day of class, I was told that my classroom was technology-free. I frantically ordered a notebook after class due to my false assumption that I would only use my devices, so I would definitely recommend having one on hand.

Index cards: These were incredibly helpful during midterm and finals weeks, especially when you become tired of staring at the same Quizlet set for the last six hours. Additionally, when you are permitted to bring index card-sized “cheat sheets” by your professors for exams, it is great to already have them.

First Aid and Medicine

Emergen-C/Liquid IV: Both of these were crucial to surviving my first year. Buying them in bulk at the start of the year made it easy for me to simply pour some in my water whenever I felt dehydrated or under the weather.

Pepto-Bismol/Tums/Pain relievers/Cold and flu medicine: I would recommend having each of these on hand, as communal living contributes to a plethora of germs that are continuously spread throughout the year. It can be hard to completely take care of yourself when you are not feeling your best. Therefore, having these with you can aid in getting back to feeling great.

Thermometer: In case of more serious illnesses or fever, having a thermometer can be super helpful when determining the level of medical care you require and when to go to the health center.

Bandages/Antiseptic: Basic first aid kits are also excellent for those random cuts or scrapes acquired from late nights out or electric scooter collisions.

Sunscreen/Aloe vera: Going to school in Los Angeles, surrounded by sunshine, is one of the very best parts of UCLA. However, because of the strong sun in Southern California, especially if you are coming from somewhere that does not get as much sun, sunscreen and aloe vera are an absolute must. Whether you use them for beach days, hikes or lounging at Sunset Recreation Center, they are great to have in your drawer.


Handheld vacuum: Though most dorms have access to check out larger vacuums, I found that having a small handheld vacuum cleaner made cleaning up smaller messes or tidying up before visitors much more convenient. Its small size also makes it easy to store.

Disinfecting wipes: Disinfecting wipes, such as Clorox wipes, are another essential item when it comes to communal living and keeping away the “freshman flu” that sweeps its way through dorms. They are also great for any spills or cleaning during move-in and move out.

Dish soap: Even if you are on a meal plan, having dish soap to wash any water bottles and utensils is definitely helpful, as the dorm bathrooms only have hand soap.

Tide pens: Unless you want to pay for a load of laundry for each stain acquired, I would always keep a Tide Pen back at the dorms in case of any small stains.


Earplugs: Living with thousands of other undergraduates can mean that sleep is not nearly as peaceful or as quiet as before. Having a pair of earplugs on hand was crucial to blocking out our upstairs neighbor’s late night basketball playing and any music or chatting during exam weeks.

Safety pins: Safety pins were great for any emergency alterations on costumes, formal clothes or anything that needed to be fixed. I had numerous friends ask to use mine throughout the past two years.

Cards or wrapping paper for birthdays: As someone who loves gifting for her friends and family, I found that I was purchasing wrap and cards way too frequently. Now, I always make sure I bring some along so that I am always prepared.

Backup phone charger: As someone who is prone to losing her things, a backup phone charger would have saved me when I lost and broke my others.

Umbrella: While not necessarily unexpected for other areas, many may expect not to need an umbrella for sunny Southern California. But California, especially these past two years, has had its fair share of rainy days. Not having an umbrella will leave you and your backpack soaked or unable to go to class. Having a small one in advance will definitely make those unpredictable rainy days much more bearable.

Hopefully these less common dorm essentials make living on the Hill a bit smoother and help you to avoid making last minute online purchases the same way that I did.

Featured Image via BruinLife Archives

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