Finding brotherhoods and sisterhoods in your first year as a Bruin

by Cate Frist

The beginning of fall quarter is fast approaching. For new Bruins, registering for classes can feel overwhelming, moving into a dorm can be intimidating and meeting new people seems scary. However, finding people with similar interests does not have to be difficult, as UCLA offers many opportunities to meet other incoming students. One such way is by joining the UCLA Greek system. Greek life offers students a vibrant community of camaraderie, leadership, and service, with over 60 fraternities and sororities to choose from.

UCLA offers six Greek councils:

  • Asian Greek Council
  • Interfraternity Council
  • Latinx Greek Council
  • Multi-Interest Greek Council
  • National Pan-Hellenic Council
  • Panhellenic Council.

Whether you’re looking to make lifelong friends, engage in philanthropic activities, or develop your leadership skills, the diverse Greek organizations at UCLA provide unique opportunities for personal growth and involvement.

Read on about the process of joining a Panhellenic or Interfraternity Council, known as IFC, for recruitment, more commonly known as rushing a sorority or fraternity.

UCLA has 10 Panhellenic sororities and one associate sorority, as well as 22 IFC social fraternities. These organizations give students many well-rounded resources, such as social events, access to networking opportunities and a lifelong support system.

UCLA Panhellenic

Why Rush?

Panhellenic President Kelsie Hull explained that rush is a great way to meet people right off the bat when starting at UCLA. Regardless of whether or not you end up joining a chapter, you will meet girls throughout the week that could become lifelong friends. She says that being in a sorority gives you a “second home on campus…and is a great way to make the huge school seem small.” Hull goes on to say that there are many opportunities outside of the sisterhood aspect, such as job and internship opportunities, leadership roles and alumni connections.

What to Expect

During formal recruitment, there are four rounds: open house, sisterhood, philanthropy and preference. As potential new members, or PNMs, go through each day, they will meet active members of the chapters they visit to better understand the values of each sorority. As the days progress, PNMs will visit fewer and fewer houses, spending more time at the houses they visit.

To join a sorority, any female-identifying UCLA undergraduate student will go through the process of formal recruitment. There is a non-refundable $85 fee to register, which can be done at this link.

The week kicks off with orientation, where PNMs will meet their Rho Gamma, an older girl who is disaffiliated from their chapter during the week of recruitment. The Rho Gamma will guide PNMs through their recruitment process and offer unbiased advice after each day.

The first round is the open house. In this round, PNMs will visit all 10 Panhellenic chapters. They will spend 25 minutes in each house as they are introduced to active members.

Round two is called the sisterhood round. PNMs will visit up to eight chapters this day and receive a tour of each house. They will learn about the finances associated with joining a sorority, as well as what it is like to live in the house.

Impact round takes place over the course of two days. PNMs can have up to four chapters to visit. The chapters highlight their philanthropic efforts during this round, and the PNMs will have more time to talk to active members to better understand the chapters’ values.

Finally, the fourth round of formal recruitment is called preference round. During this round, PNMs will have up to two houses to visit. They will spend an extended amount of time at each chapter, diving deeper into what it really means to be an active member of that chapter.

The next night is Bid Night! On this night, PNMs will receive their bids and their new chapter will welcome them home.

Phi Sigma Rho is a regional chapter and not a Panhellenic chapter. They are a STEM sorority, and their recruitment takes place the week after formal recruitment. To learn more, follow this link.

To see the full Panhellenic recruitment schedule, follow this link.

What to Wear

Open House: PNMs will be given a shirt to wear for this day and can pair it with casual bottoms, such as jeans, a skirt or shorts. Footwear can be sneakers or sandals. Comfort is very important on this day, as PNMs will be walking a lot.

Sisterhood: This round is slightly dressier than open house. Many girls will wear a sundress or skirt and top. For shoes, again, comfort is essential, so sandals or sneakers are recommended.

Impact: PNMs will typically wear a dress and wedges on this day, as it is more formal than the previous rounds.

Preference: This day is the most formal round of recruitment. Panhellenic recommends that PNMs wear semi-formal dresses with heels to celebrate the seriousness of this round.


Why Rush?

In a conversation with Nick Bailey, the Vice President of Media and Outreach for IFC, he discussed the diverse benefits that come with rushing and joining a fraternity. He explained that everyone who rushes will get something out of it, regardless of if they decide to join a house in the end. Bailey says, “Rush is a great time. You get to meet a ton of new people and exercise your communication skills right at the beginning of your UCLA experience.”

He goes on to elaborate on the opportunities that come with joining a fraternity, including connections to on-campus organizations, friendships, an expansive alumni network and social activities. Bailey says, “At UCLA, all fraternities pride themselves on having multi-faceted members. No matter which chapter you join, people will be involved in many different things.”

What to Expect

The IFC recruitment process takes place over six days this year, from September 22-27. Before rush, you register as a PNM at this link. All PNMs will attend an orientation session on September 22, where IFC will give a summary of the rush process to PNMs, explain what benefits come with joining a fraternity and allow PNMs to meet brothers from each chapter.

Over the next five days, PNMs can visit any house they like from 5 p.m. -9 p.m. They may visit as many chapters as they desire during that time frame.

During their visits, PNMs will have the opportunity to talk to active chapter members about their interests and why they want to join Greek life at UCLA. These casual conversations will help members and PNMs alike determine which house is the best fit.

The members can extend a bid to PNMs, which is a formal invitation to join the chapter. PNMs will have the opportunity to accept, hold or reject their bid.

To accept means the PNM will join that chapter; PNMs are only permitted to accept one bid. IFC encourages members to hold their bids to think through their options. PNMs must accept a bid by 9 p.m. on September 27 if they would like to join a chapter.

What to Wear

There is no dress code for IFC rush. PNMs can dress comfortably and casually.

Featured Image via Adobe Stock and Edited by BLS

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