De-stressing with some canine therapy before finals!
Latest in Student Life
An alarming epidemic of sexual assault plagues college campuses across the U.S., leaving many survivors in desperate need of emotional …
Recognizing the importance of menstrual equity, UCLA has installed dispensers stocked with tampons and pads in various restrooms and accessible …
As someone who once believed popular stereotypes about the English discipline and took the leap of faith in pursuing English …
In such a large campus, how do students connect with other people?
If you’ve ever heard the words “Beat USC” and they did not instigate an incendiary streak in you, you, my …
Looking for the right place to study? Here are some of the greatest options UCLA has to offer.
Within the two remaining weeks of spring quarter, there is only enough time to explore the Los Angeles scene. But …
UCLA is quite a large school, so even students who attend for all four years leave without knowing all the …
Bruin Dine is an organization on campus that works to ameliorate food insecurity and food waste through taking leftover food …