Located in New Orleans’ Honey Island Swamp, Cajun Encounters exposes visitors to the natural beauty of the American swampland. Over the course of these two hour excursions, one of Cajun Encounters’ hilarious tour guides share their passion for a region uniquely its own. Filled with house boats, 20 pound swamp rats and of course, alligators, these Cajun quagmires are the perfect addition to anyone’s journey down to The Big Easy.
Cajun Encounters gives a fun and factual bayou adventure
Gavin Meichelbock
Gavin Meichelbock is a third-year student pursuing a major in American literature & culture and minors in film and professional writing. After talking about movies way too much, he decided he might as well get an internship out of it. He started writing for The Daily Bruin and BruinLife in the fall of 2023 and has been an avid film, book, album and arts/entertainment contributor ever since.
Emily Chandler
Emily is a fourth-year biochemistry student and hopes to pursue medical school after graduation. She shares her passion for photography as a staff photographer for BruinLife and photo editor for the yearbook. Outside of photography, Emily enjoys reading, digital design, long road trips and running.
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